8% is not enough.

Advocacy is critical to our mission.

Every day, 43 children are diagnosed with childhood cancer in the United States alone. Childhood cancer is the number one cause of death by disease in American children. It is also extremely underfunded. In fact, less than 8% of the federal budget for cancer research goes to all childhood cancers. Without the necessary funding, there will be no cures. These children are worth more than 8%. Many of the current childhood cancer treatments are just too harsh for children’s bodies to withstand and leave survivors with life long side effects.

Spreading awareness for childhood cancer is a small step towards finding a cure. Awareness leads to funding, funding leads to research, and one day research will lead to a cure!

What You Can Do

  • Go gold for children with cancer not only in the month of September, but every day of the year.

  • Contact your legislators and let them know that research for childhood cancer is worth more than 8% of the federal budget. If you’re in Massachusetts, you can use this easy tool!

  • Encourage legislators to support increasing funding for childhood cancer research.

  • Keep an eye on the news for pieces of legislature that will increase funding, and share with others.

  • Share posts with friends and family on your social networks that educate them about how severely under-funded childhood cancer research is.

  • Donate to Strong Little Souls to support our mission of helping childhood cancer patients and their families.